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Shin Splints

1 January 2024
Best Insoles for Ankle Pain 2024

Stop letting ankle pain slow you down. Whether you're after a personal best or you're fed up of pain in your calves and ankles, we've put together a selection of our Best Insoles for Ankle Pain 2022 to give you the relief you deserve.

14 April 2023
Which Sorbothane Insoles Are Right for Me?

Whether you’re running on a track, treadmill or just for the bus, your feet take a lot of punishment, leading to muscle, tendon and ligament damage. Sorbothane develop their insoles to absorb these shocks, helping your feet stay in top condition.

30 April 2020
How Insoles Can Benefit Your Whole Body

While the benefit of insoles on your feet is obvious, what you might not realise is that insoles can help your entire body feel better. Find out how with our infographic about How Insoles Can Benefit Your Whole Body.

16 January 2018  |  Eugene
Best Insoles for Shin Splints

We're all familiar with some pain or discomfort while exercising, but for those with shin splints, keeping up a routine can be almost impossible. Using shoe insoles that cushion your feet is a great way of preventing shin splints, but not all insoles are created equal. Read on to learn about the very best shoe insoles for shin splints.

13 Comments17 August 2015  |  Alex
Find Your Foot Condition

If your feet are bothering you but you don't know why, our graphic is the ideal solution. Simply click on the area that is giving you trouble and see our detailed guides on how to combat the conditions.

23 July 2015  |  Alex
Running with Shin Splints Infographic

Do you suffer from Shin Splints and wonder, "How am I going to keep running?" Maybe you're training for a big race, perhaps you can't live without running — whatever the case may be, it is hard to stop running when you've been bitten by the bug. Luckily we've compiled a guide to help keep you out on the road to help and lessen your suffering.

20 July 2015  |  John
Running With Shin Splints

Shin splints are, basically, pain in your shin. This can come from bone or muscle issues, however the bone cause of shin splints are much more common. This is where the bone actually swells and if irritated for too long can actually fracture. Once you start feeling the pain, it’s important that you don’t let shin splints completely sideline you from running.

7 July 2015  |  John
What are Shin Splints?

Shin splints is a catch-all term to describe pain along your shin bone which worsens with exercise. Most shin splints are caused by Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS).

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