Insoles for Genu ValgumGenu Valgum is more commonly known as the "knee-knock" problem. This is due to the way the legs turn in and the knees knock together when attempting to stand upright. Here at Shoe Insoles, the Insoles for Genu Valgum have been fashioned by manufacturers to ensure the best support is given to the foot to tackle this. The range of Insoles for Genu Valgum available means there are ones for different levels of severity to support your foot.
Genu Valgum is a condition that affects a vast number of people when they are children. For the majority, they grow out of this stage. But for some, it is hereditary and can not be so easily cured. Genu Valgum is when the knees are angled together and so "knock" together when the legs are straight. In some extreme cases, those suffering cannot touch their feet together when their legs are straight. This condition can be painful. Individuals may try to compensate for the knee-knocking by walking differently, such as swinging the legs out wide to prevent a collision when taking a step. Shoe Insoles have a better solution: a range of Insoles for Genu Valgum. The support team at Shoe Insoles have been in contact with the manufacturers to ensure the support given through this range of insoles provides the best comfort and support possible. The Insoles for Genu Valgum come in a wide range of different sizes. It is important the correct size is found for the individual or it will not offer the support the insoles have the potential to provide. The manufacturers have done the hard work providing the correct support, meaning it is right that you find the right size in order to receive this support to the best effect. If you require more information about the Insoles for Genu Valgum range at Shoe Insoles, then please contact the support team on 020 7501 1102 or send a message via the "contact us" page. |