The shoe insole specialists.

Free UK delivery on orders of £40 or more.

basket: £0.00

Help & FAQs

Do you accept American Express?

We do accept American Express card payments via the Paypal checkout method. Simply select Paypal as the payment method on the checkout/basket page and checkout as a guest.

Do you accept overseas credit and debit cards?

Yes, we do accept debit and credit cards registered overseas. However, if your card is registered outside Europe, please use Paypal as a checkout method. You do not need to set up a new Paypal account as you are able to checkout as a guest.

Which countries do you ship to?

We deliver to the UK only. We do not currently deliver outside of the UK. For full details of all countries we deliver to, please visit our delivery information page.

How do I login to my account?

If you are a new user, simply enter your email address and a password to set up an account.

If you are a returning user (if you have purchased from us before), you will have entered a password. This password can be reset if you cannot recollect it.

How can I reset my password?

To reset your password, simply go to the "Sign In" page using the link at the top right hand side of our website.  Select the option that states "I am a returning user", and then click on the link "Forgotten your password?". Simply follow the instructions to set up a new password on your account.

How do I change the quantities of products in my basket?

If you have too many products in your basket, or you would like to increase the number of a certain product in your basket, you have several options:

  • Place your mouse cursor in the quantity box of the product you are looking to change the quantity of. Delete the quantity and replace it with the quantity you desire. If the basket value does not update automatically, click the "update basket" button at the bottom of the basket.
  • Alternatively, you can use the "-" and "+" symbols on either side of the quantity box to change the quantity in the box.
  • Alternatively, use the rubbish bin icon to the right of the subtotal to remove the product entirely from your basket.