| Exercises for Hammer Toe7 August 2015 | John Hammer toes is where the joints of one or more of the lesser toes (the toes which aren’t your big toe) curl. They can be painful and tend to cause corns and calluses to form on the areas of the foot which hammer toes force to rub against the inside of shoes. They’re usually caused by a muscle/tendon imbalance, and if they’re left alone they can get worse; even to the point where they need surgery. However, there are some exercises you can do to help with hammer toes. The Toe TapThis is basically the same movement as tapping your fingers on a table, except you do it with your toes.
The Toe SpreadThis involves spreading the affected toes to help them regain some of their individuality.
Perform this exercise at least once a day. The Floor GripThis exercise is mainly focused on the pads of your toes, and allows the affected joint to relax so the bone the closest to the main part of your foot can go back to a normal position.
This exercise can also be done in correctly fitting shoes if you prefer. If you can’t do the exercise in shoes, they’re too tight. The Manual StretchThis exercise may seem a little simplistic, but it can be really effective against hammer toes.
If you feel pain, stop pulling immediately. Another way you can help with hammer toes is by wearing a shoe insole, which can help redistribute the weight of the foot and can help correct the muscle/tendon imbalance. If you’re interested in getting some shoe insoles to help with hammer toes, head on over to Shoe Insoles and check out our full range of Insoles for Hammer Toes.