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Tuli’s: Foot Protection Based on Nature

13 July 2015  |  John

Tuli’s shoe insoles were developed by Medi-Dyne to offer the best foot support available. To do so, they looked at the best foot support system on the planet — the one developed by millions of years of evolution.

Reinventing the Wheel

In looking at the best ways possible to support your foot, Tuli’s duplicated the foot’s natural shock absorption methods. Not only does this provide an exceptional level of stability and comfort to your feet, it also gives the most natural feel. This lets your body stay as stable as possible and keeps your knees, hips and back aligned, promoting the safest and most efficient stride possible.

To give this natural support, Tuli’s shoe insoles utilise a unique “waffle” design which sits on multiple layers. This absorbs impacts and returns the energy exactly as your foot’s built-in shock absorber would. The waffle twists and turns while you run, matching the rotation of your foot for the most natural possible support.

Materials to Stand the Test of Time

Tuli’s insoles utilise the best possible materials, not only to give you superior foot support but also to last as long as needed. This means that you can use Tuli’s insoles safe in the knowledge that not only are they providing leading comfort and support to your feet, but they also won’t lose their strength when you need them most.

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A Lighter Alternative

Of course, Tuli’s realises that the heavier material found in their ordinary insoles isn’t always suitable. To remedy this, a variety of their products also come made from a special gel, TuliGEL, which is lighter and softer. These lighter orthotics still utilise the organic waffle design, which makes them perfect for running and means you won’t even notice you're wearing them.

All Shapes and Sizes

Tuli’s realises that not one shape insole is perfect for everyone, so their range of supports come in all shapes and sizes. For example, the Tuli’s Classic Heel Cups are designed for those with heel pain and specifically targets that problem, whereas their range of full size insoles give the same waffle design support to the ball of the foot as well as the heel.

And the Cheetah Heel Protector is perfect for giving a discrete heel support to gymnasts and dancers who need a barefoot feeling while they perform.

For Sports or Healing

Tuli’s insoles are made for both helping with sports performance and for helping with foot conditions. The RoadRunners Insoles are designed to help sports performance by actually storing and releasing energy.

You may also benefit from the Polar Bears Gel Heel Cups — made specifically for dealing with heel spurs they distribute pressure away from the heel spur to reduce the irritation it can cause to the tissue. Whatever you need a foot support for, Tuli’s will almost always have something to help.

If you are interested in Tuli’s foot support products you can check out Shoe Insoles for our range of Tuli’s Shoe Insoles.

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